Saturday, February 21, 2009


Welcome! This site has been created primarily for the Volunteers of St. Seraphim's Fellowship who write letters to the prisoners on the Death Row or serving Life in Prison. This is the place where we can put our heads together, share ideas and prayer requests. Where we can encourage the other volunteers with stories about the communications we have with the men. It is also a place where we can get direction and guidance, either from the other volunteers or from the ministry.

Almost everything you need is here. You can review the official prison guidelines for letter writing or you can see a list of the books recommended for the prisoners. You can see the teaching letters that are sent out to the men and become familiar with what they are studying.

You can also see pictures of the prisoners and learn details of their progress towards Orthodoxy, upcoming events (Baptisms & Crismations, etc) you can also learn of their prayer requests for themselves and their families. Please come here often with your comments and experiences.



ocean_gipsy said...

Hi! Thank you!

L330 said...

May God bless your efforts!

St. Seraphim's Fellowship said...

Everyone please remember that this blogsite is not complete yet, it is still under construction, so please be patient with us. We all need to thank Anna, who with a lot of hard work and dedication, is responsible for getting this site up. I absoultely could not have done this without her. Please look around and tell us what you think. In the Spirit of Forgiveness Sunday, I ask your forgiveness, and pray that you have a Blessed Lent.

Kimberly Emilia said...

Forgive me a sinner.

The blog looks beautiful. Thank you for inviting me.
This Lent "May the Lord grant you (us) fear, humility,lack of food, and compunction."
Abba Euprepious of The Desert Fathers

ocean_gipsy said...

Please forgive me everyone, and have the fruitful Lent! Thank you so much dear in Christ Seraphim for your kind words:)